You must have a SuperAdmin user role to add, edit, or delete an Active Directory group.
Step 1 | Log in to Security Cloud Control. |
Step 2 | In the left pane, click . |
Step 3 | Click the Active Directory Groups tab. |
Step 4 | Click the add Active Directory group ( ) button. |
Step 5 | Provide the following information:
Group Name: Enter a unique name. This name does not have to match the group name in your Active Directory. Security Cloud Control does not support special characters for this field.
Group Identifier: Manually enter the Group Identifier from your Active Directory. The value of the group identifier should be the same as the group identifier in the custom claim definition. It could be any value that corresponds to the unique identity of the group, for example, my-favourite-group, 12345, and so forth.
AD Issuer: Manually enter the Active Directory Issuer value from your Active Directory.
Role: Select a user role. This determines the role for all the users included in this Active Directory group. See User Roles for more information.
(Optional) Notes: Add any notes that are applicable to this Active Directory group.
Step 6 | Select OK. |