Create an ASA Time Range Object

Use the following procedure to create a time range object for an ASA device:


Step 1

In the left pane, click Manage > Objects.

Step 2

Click > ASA > Time Range.

Step 3

Enter an object name.

Step 4

Define a time range.

  • Absolute Time Range - Enter a Start Time and an End Time for the desired time range; you can choose to execute this object over a matter of minutes, hours, days, or weeks. A time range object can only have one absolute time range.

  • Recurring Time Ranges - click the to add a periodic time range that will repeat throughout the week. Select the Frequency from the drop-down menu, the Days of the week the time range should go into effect, and the Start and End times. A time range object can have multiple periodic ranges.


The start and end times for a time range object are optional. If an object has no start time established, the time range goes into effect immediately. If an object has no end time established, the time range lasts indefinitely.

Step 5

Click Add to create the object.